It’s March 2024, already.
3 years ago I had hip surgery…
It’s 4 years since Covid was declared a pandemic…
It’s 9 years since I graduated from University…
It’s 22 years since I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes...
I’ve spoken about this a lot with people recently.
A minute ago it was November and I had the whole winter ahead of me. It’s now March and daylight at 7am and 6pm. At the end of my season, in November, I had great intentions of how the winter would pan out. I was going to do this that and the next thing. All summer I would be like, I’ll do that in November, or over the winter. It’s now March, and there is so much I haven’t done.

A lot has happened in the past 4 months though. I took 2 weeks off everything in November, that went faster than I could even imagine. Two of my closest friends had babies in December. I went away with The University of Stirling to The UAE for 9 days in January. I increased the amount I could back squat in February. I’ve hit a lot of golf balls, I’ve chipped a lot of chips and I’ve putted a lot of putts. I’ve lifted a lot of weights. I’ve won a pub quiz. I’ve watched a lot of football. I’ve got my hands dirty starting a house renovation… All of these things have contributed to this winter fading into memories.
Time feels like it’s getting quicker. My dad has a logical reason as to why it feels like it is. To be honest it makes a lot of sense. I remember sitting with my friends discussing what we were going to do when we left school, now we sit and discuss their children and mortgage rates.
It’s true what they say that you’ll be 30 before you know it. I’m nearly 31 and it gives me palpitations about how much I feel I haven’t done, yet. Everyone does things at different times and rates. No one should compare what they have done in a certain time to someone else. It doesn’t matter. But we do it, don’t we? Just remember, popcorn kernels pop at different times.

The clocks change in a couple of weeks. Things that happen every year, appear to suddenly be upon us. We all comment on how the days stretch, how it’s only a few weeks until The Masters, how the daffodils are blooming and how it's already lambing season. We sound shocked it's happening, but it happens every single year. These life events give us a real reference of time.
This winter has been productive. It has flown, but I feel I’ve made good use of my time. I don’t feel like I ever used to pay so much attention to time. Now it’s something that I feel so conscious of. Why? I have no idea.
All I know is, time flies. It will be Christmas soon….
Carpe Diem.